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Looking Forward to 2021!

Writer's picture: CandidlyELCandidlyEL

Updated: Nov 26, 2021

Ending the year with a bang is a miracle - 2020 has been rough for millions worldwide. However, one must do their best to move past the incredibly insurmountable loss we have all suffered, we must hold on to our loved ones and remind them daily of our affection for them, we must build bridges, not tear them down, and we must look forward into the new year with



If you’ve noticed I have stayed away from writing about COVID-19, injustices faced by people of color, politics, and financial crises. It has been overbearing and I am certain every one of us has in some way been affected by the trials of 2020.

For some people, writing about it and discussing the dynamics of this year is therapeutic. Others, simply like to argue and bear conflict. However, most people, in my opinion, simply want it all over. They want to feel at ease in the public, free to be as we all were once before. What I know is that will never happen. Too much has occurred and wounds are so deep, only time and empathy might heal them. I didn't write about these things because it's been too much for me and my writing is my peace.

I refuse to go into the new year with baggage. Yes, I get it. The world is crying right now, but I believe the world had to cry for closed eyes to open. There’s no doubt in my mind that scores of eyes are open now, & change is inevitable. Healing is on the horizon. Of course, we won’t wake up January 1st, 2021, and find ourselves awaken from 2020’s nightmare but if we all attempt to smile at another soul, offer a helping hand, practice empathy, have open and honest dialogue–where we can walk away with a better understanding of one another and establish a common ground 2021 will be an amazing year.

On another note, I saw incredible grit from people in America and across the world. People roll up their sleeves and become creative in accomplishing goals and providing for themselves and their families. People became entrepreneurs who may not have if they hadn’t faced the crises of 2020. Others sang from rooftops, balconies, and in the streets for those shut-in and all of our amazing first responders put their lives at risk for the betterment of our society. . Many delivered care packages to the shut-ins and elderly, & we kept our connections through many apps like zoom. We continued to live, love, and create in the face of all the tragedies and we are all stronger for it.

2021 is the year of healing, growing, accepting, loving, building, creating, and living.

Be Safe & Stay healthy!!!


And for my writer friends,

Stay Curious!


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