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Writer's pictureCandidlyEL

"What Time Is It?" - "It's NaNoWriMo Time!"

Ok Scribes!

This one is just for you. November is in 2 days, and you know what that means - NaNoWriMo Time! If you haven't prepared as of yet. What are you waiting for? Go into to set up your project - 50,000 words or more. Prepare your writing space. If you're a music lover like me - prepare your playlist. Make your coffee, tea or prepare your fruit infused water bottle or if you are a nighthawk like and prefer a more adult beverage - grab the glass of wine.

NaNoWriMo has an amazing prep area to help you plan for the month of writing -

Also, there are some cool artwork you can place on you social media accounts thanks to Tyrell Waiters -

I plan to run several Zoom write-ins so feel free to join - for more information on the write-ins please hit my Instagram button. Information on Zoom write-ins will go up on October 31st, 2020.

Join my members-only forum here at and we can gripe about our struggles and cheer our successes!

30 days of nonstop writing!

Are you ready?

I am!

Let's do this!

Stay Curious!

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1 Comment

DJ SeanMoney
DJ SeanMoney
Oct 30, 2020

This is truly amazing and so full of positive thoughts and inspiration.

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